It is very clear electrical earthing applications need more care and specific protection compared to equipment used in water distribution.
Many a times water specific equipment are used in earthing systems. Case in point is earth pits (substituted with valve meter box's)
This conversation is in that direction. A CONCRETE EARTH INSPECTION housing for garden area simply substituted with a concrete valve meter box in a garden area or drive way is possible (not recommended)
The correct product for earthing concrete inspection housings are a concrete product with ROOT RESISTANCE COATING. The reality is that in a garden space AS garden plants grow (which they must) The roots will penetrate the concrete wall and cause the concrete earth inspection housing to crumble (in this case forget load bearing capacity)
Root resistance as a coating is there for highly essential for #earthing, #lightningprotection and #grounding earth pits. The have a function to increase longevity of the system.
#rootresistance Root resistance is a coating of bitumin done correctly of the inner and outer surface of the concrete earth pit body THAT prevents the roots from penetrating through the concrete wall, Thus the concrete earth pit lasts longer in garden areas.